School Reunion Functions

During 2012 organisation for the next Reunion proposed to be held over the October Long Weekend in 2013 will commence.

Until this contact occurs please ensure that you mention this event to past school friends from yrs 5 & 6 of 1963.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Should we? Should we not?
This photo is our brave 'milk boys' leaning on the crates of milk when they first arrived at school.  The boys placed the crates in the ice chest to keep the milk cold for the rest of the school to drink at play time.  Well for some of the pupils it was cold milk!  Special friends and teachers received their milk cold.  For the rest of us, we lined up in the playground to drink warm milk!
Those were the days when as a milk boy, you had friends - by the dozen.  Could we as pupils/class mates bribe them with anything?   I think not!  These boys were loyal to the rules of the school although these rules were sometimes broken, weren't they boys?

Who are the brave 'milk boys' you ask?   Bob McAlpine is on the left and Bob Lightfoot is on the right

Photo courtsey of Bob Lightfoot 5B/6B.
Thank you Bob

Post Script.   If you have any interesting photos taken at school like this, we would really love to see them.
We would also like to hear from you if you have the following class photos as we don't have copies:
  • Girls  - 3rd class 1960 (Mavis Shearman & Susan Giles' year)
  • Boys -  6th class 1964 (Greg Andrews & John Morris' year)  
These photos are required to form a pictorial time line of our years in Primary school.

Please contact us at if you have access to these photos, and if you are happy for us to use them, simply scan and email to the above address.  Your assistance and involvement will be greatly appreciated if you can help us!


Lesley said...

Cold milk you say, boy I must have been at the back of the line as mine was always warm!!

Unknown said...

Me I was definitely at the back of the line on purpose.... no one could see tip it out back then until I got dobbed on by a class mate in third class 1959. Iwas then made to stand there until I had drank it. Not even my mum's note to the school worked.

Phil Wratten said...

You must have been standing near me then Lesley! Mine was just about yogurt on some occasions!