School Reunion Functions

During 2012 organisation for the next Reunion proposed to be held over the October Long Weekend in 2013 will commence.

Until this contact occurs please ensure that you mention this event to past school friends from yrs 5 & 6 of 1963.

6th Class - Missing Students

Names in red are those that we need assistance in locating, if you have details can you let us know asap so we can send them an invite

Back Row - John Peady, Malcolm Duckworth, Clay Campbell, Phil Screen, Gary Simm, Robert Magar, John Groom, Barry Elsley, Ian Callanghan, Jeffrey Millar..
2nd BACK Row -  Phil Wratten, Milan Josic, Neil Thrift, Harry Kolatchew, Ray Wills, Bill McAlpine, John Peffer, Mark Fitzsimmons,Robert Nowland.
2nd FRONT Row - John Pugh, Paul Colditz,Russell Williams, Robert Hunt,Robert Campbell, Mark Harrison,  Greg Swary, Michael Schmidt, Iain Wells.
Front Row - Gordon Aitken, Robert Faulkner, Jeffrey Davidson,  Desmond Donnelly, Edmund Bartlett, David Yarrow, Darrell Evans, Robert Murrell.

Back Row - Jan Metcalf, Gwenda Hentzschel, Susan Giles, Susan Mc Donald, Senija Suljic, Helen Bint, Beverely Allen, Lucina Wieczorek, Lauren Schofield.
2nd BACK Row - Dianne Smith, Janice-van-de-Werken, Robyn Spence, Jennifer Bates, Kristine Peirpoint, Vicki Blunden, Kay Cornish, Vasiliky Anthony, Maxine Griffiths.
2nd FRONT Row - Mavis Shearman, Wendy Ling, Susan Callender, Mary-anne Paul, LaraineHands, Pam Millar, Michelle Fuller.
Front Row - Sue-Ellen Willis, Marilyn Hutchison, Jennifer Davis, Heather Jacobs, Irene Underwood, Noelene Dalby, Jean Barlow, Debra Watt.