School Reunion Functions

During 2012 organisation for the next Reunion proposed to be held over the October Long Weekend in 2013 will commence.

Until this contact occurs please ensure that you mention this event to past school friends from yrs 5 & 6 of 1963.

5th Class - Missing Students

Names in red are those that we need assistance in locating, if you have details can you let us know asap so we can send them an invite

Back Row - Gary Hogbin, Ian Hodgson, Leslie Smith, George Sperling, John Hill, Bill Rarity, Graham Thorne/Thornton, John Morris, ??, Greg Andrews
2nd BACK Row - Greg Curry, Mark Mason. ??, ??, Roy McFarlane, Martin Charlton, ??, Wayne Cornish, John Sara, Stephen Callaghan
2nd FRONT Row - Grant Arthur, James Ross?, ??, Warren Cocking, Norman Podmore, ??, Malcolm Savage, Wally Barnes, Greg Duggan, Chris Bartimote
Front Row - Rod Price, Gary Goodman, Michael Humbles, Ken Parker, Don Shearman, John Tibulac??, Stephen Bell, Jefferey Latham

Back Row - Denise Wise, Christine Wilson, Blaga Damcevski, Linda Jahnssen, Carol Wills, Jenni Jones, Denise Walker, Carolyn White, Patricia Jones
2nd BACK Row - Christine Owens, Glenda Phillips, Susan Bryan, Lyn Maxwell, Vicki Lewis, Robyn Duke, Meryl Bramble, Heather Farnant, Gail Thrift
2nd FRONT Row - Cathy Cunningham, Sally Goodshaw, Lauren Monkley, Cheryl Considine, Judy Eckert, Lorraine Holmes, Leigh Fishpool
Front Row - Joan Harrison, Karen Watts, Lynnette Thompson, Ruth Westwood, Dianne Smith, Sharyn Flannery, Lesley Holdstock, Hazel Hughes