School Reunion Functions

During 2012 organisation for the next Reunion proposed to be held over the October Long Weekend in 2013 will commence.

Until this contact occurs please ensure that you mention this event to past school friends from yrs 5 & 6 of 1963.

5B/6B - Missing Students

Names in red are those that we need assistance in locating, if you have details can you let us know asap so we can send them an invite

Back Row - RayRichards, Steven Ison, David Worth, Dennis Ison, Bob McAlpine, John Sevester, Ian McKinnon
2nd BACK Row - Howard Edwards, Herbert Wolf, Robert Lightfoot, Paul Podmore, Steven Hardy, Ray Smith, Neville Cooper.
2nd FRONT Row - Cheryl Fitness,Kay Squires Margaret Wright, Lily Jurgielan, Dianne Nowland, Faye Curry, Gail Neaves.
Front Row - Tony Pritchard, Gary Newman, Phillip Miller,  Joan Simms, Vivienne Falconer, Gail Musson