School Reunion Functions

During 2012 organisation for the next Reunion proposed to be held over the October Long Weekend in 2013 will commence.

Until this contact occurs please ensure that you mention this event to past school friends from yrs 5 & 6 of 1963.

Monday, April 5, 2010

News Broadcast #3

Can you believe that it is 5 weeks since the last broadcast email? It scares me to look at the speed at which time is reeling off on the digital clock on the Mayfield West School Reunion blog:  - 12 days to go and counting!

Talking about the blog; the other thing I would like you to note when you visit the improved face lifted blog, thanks to Lesley, is the link to missing students. The link to the missing students is located to the right of the digital clock.  When you click on the individual class link, the names of the students for that class are noted.  You will see that some of the names are in RED. These are the students we have been unable to locate.  Do you know where they are?  If so, please contact one the committee members using the email address  Thanks in advance for any help you are able to offer in our search for those in red.

Before I leave the subject of missing students, Margaret Wright has been hard at work writing on two S.M sites, Facebook and Twitter as another means of locating our friends and generating reunion interest; we have also located people via Genes Reunited!

You will also see a couple of recently added photos from the memorable 1st reunion in ’91 on the blog.  Can you recognize the students in each shot?  I hear that one person in the photos will be in full swing again come June 5th!

In my previous email I asked for your assistance in sending Margaret or Lesley a recent photo of yourself.  It doesn’t have to be a glamour shot for the cover of a glossy magazine or something suitable for the Mr. Universe magazine.  The photos are trickling in like cold honey, slow but steady.  Thanks in advance for sending your photo sooner rather than later.

This email seems to be full of requests.  If you have not filled out Survey #2 can you complete it please?  If you have not received Survey #2, please contact Lesley at  The return of this survey will assist the committee with a ‘non disclosed source’ of information for the night and in the handout memorabilia package.

The committee keeps me well versed on progress and I know that a number of tables have been targeted for preferred seating arrangements.  Vivienne will need a LARGE table to herself to accommodate all her admirers!

In trying to keep this email short (not at book length - Clay will appreciate that comment) but at the same time trying to keep you aware of the level of interest this reunion has generated, is the knowledge that John Peffer and Bill McAlpine spent time ‘bonding’ at a huge ‘motorcycle club’ function in WA.

No, it was not Hell’s Angels! Tony & Dave will appreciate that comment!  Bill I believe rode across the continent and as some of you know, John relocated to Perth.  More recently a few of the students visited Bob Lightfoot at home.  At this meeting, Bob’s wife unearthed the ‘milk boys’!  Check the photo on the blog.  Milk was less than 2 bob then; yes I know – SICK!

Well that’s almost it for the time being; see you at Charlestown Bowling Club June 5th @ 6:00pm, but in the meantime please RSVP your attendance with payment.  With regards payment, (payments are pouring in apparently) the account detail is noted at the end of this email.  Part of the payment is for a donation to cover the cost of a number items chosen by the Principal, Mrs Debbie Skillen.

If you have questions of any nature about the 2010 reunion, please contact one of the committee - Marg (02) 4928 3282 or Lesley (02) 4956 1356

Regards Phil

Banking details:                     Greater Building Society Limited
                                             BSB:                  637-000
                                             Account No.:     717 532 112
                                             A/c Name:         Margaret Gayler & Lesley Afflick

Add your surname as an identifier on the deposit please.


Mayfield West Public School Reunion Site - 5th and 6th Classes of 1963 said...

Hi Phil not long to go now, about to roll over to 53 days!!

Unknown said...

No not long to go now. 7wks 5 days and counting down fast.

Can't wait until you arrive back in Oz.